Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Spring Break Break

Hey there!

So I noticed it's been two weeks since I last posted. My oh my time flies when you're living life and tired at night and having a hard time fitting in any writing. I will be back at some point here once spring break is over and my husband is back from the Dominican Republic.

Take care,


Debbie said...

Miss you! Hurry back.

Emmy said...

Hoping all is well with you. I'm in the same boat right now, blogging-wise. Once it becomes a chore, well, it's not as if we NEED more work to do, is it? Have you ever tried Facebook? It's a cool way to just keep up with friends without the huge time investment (though it can suck you in, if you like to do the quizzes and stuff). If you ever get on FB, add me as a friend! :)

Emmy said...

Julie...what is UP, girlfriend? Are you still there?

Kristin said...

you coming back?! this was my way to keep up with you : )

Susie said...

Hi Julie,

I found you:) Can't wait to check out some of your posts. It was fun working on Laps for Learning with you over the last month. Have a great weekend!